The Law Offices Of Sotta & Briggs, PC



A highly experienced attorney dedicated to creating solutions to your problems.

Experienced Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Guidance For Joplin Clients

In today’s uncertain economy, the loss of a job, expensive medical treatment for a personal injury or financially draining divorce can quickly spell the difference between solvency and poverty.

Has one of these situations happened to you or someone you know? Have you fallen far behind on bill payments and fear that you may never catch up? Are you being harassed by creditors? Is your home in danger of mortgage foreclosure?

An experienced bankruptcy attorney with insights into debt relief strategies, compassion for your situation and a track record of success can make a positive difference in your future.

At The Law Offices of Sotta & Briggs, PC, we take the time to fully and clearly explain how Chapter 7 bankruptcy works — from determination of eligibility via the “means test” to the debt relief needed so desperately by hardworking people who have fallen on hard times.

We show you how liquidation of much of your debt can give you the breathing room you need. We tell you which debts are dischargeable, and which are not; educate you about property exemptions that allow you to keep certain possessions during a bankruptcy; and inform you of the “automatic stay,” whose healing properties prevent foreclosure, motor vehicle repossession, wage garnishment and creditor harassment.

Western Missouri Bankruptcy Lawyer Guides Your Family To A ‘Fresh Start’

Chapter 7 “individual” bankruptcy protections are “on the books” for a reason: to help deserving American families get back on their feet at a time of dire financial straits. Our Sotta & Briggs consumer bankruptcy practice takes the intimidation out of the legal process if you are navigating it for the first time. We dispel the myths that have collected around personal bankruptcy filings since changes in the law were enacted. We work to erase the stigma that many proud people have about resorting to bankruptcy in order to stay afloat.

Our knowledgeable, compassionate Joplin lawyer can speak with you today in a confidential, free initial consultation. All you have to do, to get started, is call us at 417-782-1717 or send an email message. We look forward to meeting you and working with you.